Why Kids Need Plenty of Support to Succeed

Kids are rambunctious little balls of energy. They want to zoom around and do everything themselves, much to the chagrin of their parents sometimes. Despite their budding independence, they still need a lot of support to become successful, contributing members of society.

They’re Impressionable

Kids and teens are very impressionable. So much of what they learn about the world around them and how to think of it is influenced by other people. They observe how those around them think and react. 

What they are exposed to with the greatest frequency will shape how they think and react in turn. Because of this, it’s important to be aware of the behavior you’re modeling. Modeling positive, healthy behaviors increases the chances of kids absorbing them, which gives them a better chance of succeeding in life.

Keep Them Out of the Criminal Justice System

No one wants to see kids in the criminal justice system. Without the right support, however, the chances of that happening increase. Conversely, with quality support and guidance, kids are less likely to engage in behaviors that land them in the criminal justice system. 

Positive parental involvement in kids’ lives helps, but it’s not only on the parents. Spending on mentorship programs can keep kids out of the criminal justice system. Mentorships offer children productive opportunities to grow and build relationships with others who will have a positive influence.

Better Scholastic Performance

A good education is a crucial element of finding success. Even if kids don’t use every bit of knowledge they learn in school, learning how to think well is invaluable. It’s not easy for kids to succeed in school on their own though. That’s where positive parental presence and support come in. Positive parental involvement is linked to better grades, test scores, attendance, social skills, behavior, and adaptability. Talk to your kids about school and get involved in some way. You might volunteer in the classroom or become part of the PTA. If you aren’t sure what to do, talk to your kids’ teachers about what you can do to support your child. They’re sure to have a few ideas.

They say it takes a village to raise a child. It’s certainly true that kids need a lot of support to succeed in life. They have so much learning and development to do early in life. Positive adult involvement, especially parental involvement, can make a huge difference in how well kids are set up to succeed. It’s a lot of responsibility, but you can do it. Just take it one day at a time.

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