What to Know About Filing a Work Compensation Claim

If you become ill or injured at work, you may need to file a worker’s compensation form. Workers compensation exists to pay for rehabilitation, medical care, and some wage replacement when you miss work due to an injury sustained there. For you to secure these benefits, you must carefully file a worker’s compensation claim and follow your state procedures. If this is your first time, check out these tips for getting your compensation right the first time.

Filing a Claim

If your injury is intense, getting immediate medical care is critical and you should inform your employer as soon as possible. This is the trickiest art of processing the worker’s compensation claim. In most states, the limit is one month before you inform your employer. However, many states have different limits. In many occasions, the limit is between few days to a maximum of two years.


Time Limitations

In an unfortunate even where your employer refuses to comply with you in filing your worker’s compensation claim, the remedy to your situation is a call to the worker’s compensation claim office. Consequentially, your employer must have the claim forms to fill and submit quickly. After that, it is the duty of your employer to submit the paperwork to the correct insurance agency. Depending on your state, you will have to file a separate claim with your worker’s compensation agency. You should not take more than one year after the injury before submitting this form. However, many states have a shorter limit.


Getting Approval

If your claim remains undisputed by the insurance carrier or employer, it will be approved. An adjuster will contact you and your employer to give you more instructions on how to submit your payment for medical bills. However, things never go the way we expect. The employer may fight your right to benefit in an attempt to keep your worker’s compensation rates from hiking. Attorneys who specialize in work injury recommend you produce good documentation to counteract such practices, including your medical treatment records, doctors notes, and any other paper files from the injury.


Wage Loss

If your injury does not cause you to lose income, the extent of your claim will be losing your bills. You will also begin to get checks to cover your wage loss. Whenever you recover, your employer will notify the insurance agent to stop sending checks.


Employees injured on the job site are eligible to receive the worker’s compensation benefits. While this process should be straightforward, there are many guidelines to determine whether the injury qualifies for compensation. The procedure above is essential to file a proper claim. As your worker’s compensation claim proceeds, be sure to keep the additional costs appraised by the adjuster. Send copies of all your documentation as requested.