Practices Your Business Needs to Put in Place to Reduce Workplace Accidents and Injuries

You are responsible for everything that goes on in your business property. This of course includes all the wonderful work and production you accomplish. However, it also includes the accidents and injuries that are sustained on that property. Those are what you want to minimize. Here are a few practices to implement in your workplace that will reduce the likelihood of accidents on the job!

Safety Inspections

Have a professional visit your property to inspect the entirety of the building or area for potential hazards. They know what to look for! You may assume the most logical safety measures that should be taken, but safety inspectors can point out the smaller things you may overlook or not understand. Once that evaluation has taken place, you can feel confident that you are aware of and have addressed every risk. These inspections also invite your employees to express any concerns or questions that they may have—their perspective is invaluable as they are the ones on the front lines of your production. Inspectors also provide reliable advice for how to fix those risks.

Administrative Controls

There are different types of administrative controls you can put in place, all of which are intended to control workplace hazards. Rules, regulations, guidelines, whatever you call them, are the ways you decrease the risk of human error that leads to unfortunate (even dangerous) mistakes. They also give you more awareness and a central understanding or expectation of what production should look like, meaning that every employee becomes accountable to follow your rules; no accident can be blamed on your ignorance or lack of involvement for their safety, it can only be attributed to misfortune or disregard of your policies.

Effective Communication

As simple as it sounds, one of the easiest things to undervalue is the communication of safety measures to employees, customers, or visitors. For your employees, make frequent efforts to assure that they understand and are adhering to the safety guidelines you have created to protect them. Customers or visitors of your properties should be similarly briefed on basic safety protocols, and required to adhere to those standards while within your responsibility. Make this information bold, straightforward, and non-negotiable. It may also be helpful to explain the purpose of these safety measures, to help those under your jurisdiction feel the importance of following those rules.

Keep people safe and your business safe! Be aware of risks and implement precautions to limit those risks from becoming a reality. Make sure everyone is aware of the necessary measures to keep them protected from accident or injury. They will thank you!

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