OSHA Laws All New Businesses Should be Aware Of

All businesses are required to comply with OSHA laws and regulations. These rules help in explaining the federal laws and regulations requirements that are concerned with safety and health in the workplace. Enforcing OSHA also helps to create a safe and healthy workplace for all workers in conformity with the law. It is therefore essential to understand the rules that will affect you when starting a new business. Here are some basics in getting OSHA implemented in all facets of your work.

Responsibilities as an Employer

Under the provisions of the OSHA Act, an employer must provide a safe and conducive workplace for employees, free from hazards that may cause physical harm or even fatalities. It applies regardless of the size of the business. The OHSA requirements should be readily available in the workplace for the employees to access them upon request. Any new employer must also display OSHA’s Safe and Healthful Workplaces poster in a notable and conspicuous location at the workplace where prospective employees and current employees can see it. It helps inform employees of their rights and responsibilities under the OSHA Act.


Keep Records of Injuries and Illnesses

Employers are required to keep a record of occupational injuries and illnesses reported in the workplace, especially if the number of employees is 11 or more. It is done using OSHA Form 300, Log of work-related injuries and illnesses. However, such records are not required in a most retail trade, insurance, real estate, finance, and other service industries.

Employers are required to inform their employees of any hazardous chemicals at the workplace and their dangers. This information includes the identities of the chemicals employees might be exposed to on the job and also describes the protective measures to be taken to prevent adverse effects. The chemicals manufacturers and importers must also evaluate their products and give elaborate information on hazards to customers. This includes things like signs for slippery and wet floors and fire exits.


Business Inspection

All businesses covered by the OSHA Act must comply with set safety and health standards at the workplace. Businesses are also subject to inspection by federal or state compliance safety and health officers who have knowledge and experience in the occupational safety and health field. Depending on your industry and your state, you may be subject to these inspections on an annual basis.


OSHA provides several services that primarily benefit new businesses a lot and these services include advice, education, and assistance to new business. It works with professional organizations, unions, and community groups concerning issues of a safe and healthy workplace as they provide consultation, instructions, publication, and partnership services. Don’t neglect this important aspect while building your business and hiring new employees.