How to Reduce Insurance Claims on Your Car

If you’ve got a car worth protecting (and every car is worth protecting), you want to know how to best keep yourself from needing to make a claim on your insurance. You don’t want to need to pay the deductible, but you also don’t want your insurer to think you’re not a good liability. How can you protect your investment and make sure that you can reduce making insurance claims on your car?

Get Your Car Serviced

It’s important to take your body in for check-ups, and your car is no different. Getting it serviced on schedule is critical to knowing that it is in good working condition, and keeping it that way for years to come. This includes changing the oil on schedule, of course, but also having fluids checked and refilled, tire pressure checked, and a “general checkup” done, roughly about every six months. There are plenty of places which are happy to service your car, and if you’re extra busy, some don’t even require you to leave your car while it’s being done! This is particularly helpful to those who are extra busy, but also to those who have small children.

Drive Defensively

One of your best bets for not needing to file an insurance claim is to drive defensively—that is, as safely as possible. Part of the social contract of society is that it’s your job to drive as safely and as well as possible, with the expectation that other drivers will do the same. You need to be alert and awake, with your concentration upon the driving itself. Your focus needs to not be inhibited by any substances which would make you unable to concentrate, including over the counter ones. And you need to know the rules of the road! If you need a refresher course, those are available!

Be Careful Where You Park

Parking can be a complicated venture and making sure you park in safe places will help to protect your car. Do not park too closely to either side of the parking space, as this increases the risk that somebody will accidentally dent your car with a door, or as they turn out of their space. If you are in an area with high hills, make sure to turn your wheel against the hill and to use your parking brake. Be aware of your surroundings as well. To avoid intentional damage by thieves, park in well lit areas as well.

Protect it From Minor Damage

There are small things which can help your car to be protected from the general dirt and grime of the road, protecting your car’s paint as well. Washing frequently, and vacuuming out the interior can help make sure that your car has decent resale value. If you have animals, covering the back seat with a specially made pet blanket is a must to protect seats. Whenever you wash the car, getting sealant put on to protect it from sun damage to your paint job is a good idea as well. Ceramic coating repels contaminants such as dirt, sap, bugs and salt.

Deer Horn

Not the kind that are antlers on a deer’s head, Deer horns are instead a valuable option for those who drive in areas where wildlife approaches. Many travelers at dawn and dusk have surprised deer and other animals by the side of the road, and had them jump into traffic and subsequently totaled a car. This can, of course, damage not only the body of the car, but the bodies of those inside. Installing a passive deer horn/whistle can hopefully give a little bit of warning to wildlife that you are headed their way, without bothering humans nearby.

Never Drink and Drive

When it comes to not being an irresponsible driver, and not causing accidents, not having DUIs is a really important and critical aspect of driving. This means extra advance preparation on your part if you’re planning on having a party or event that is away from your home where you will imbibe, whether that is alcohol or any type of recreational substance. It’s crucial to have a designated driver. If your group is at your home and will later be leaving for another location, offering Uber or Lyft services after a party is a great option to help protect your guests as well. Never be afraid to confiscate keys from somebody who is inebriated!

Always Wear Your Seatbelt

As always, following the laws includes wearing your seatbelt. While it was very controversial at one time to have a seat belt mandate, thankfully the resulting studies showed that wearing a seatbelt was indeed likely to cause you to survive accidents. This supported the seatbelt mandate laws, and made it possible to enforce them more readily, until wearing seat belts became normalized. Making sure that you always wear a seatbelt in the car will help you not only develop safer driving practices, but also can surprisingly help lower your insurance premiums!!

There are a plethora of things which you can do which can not only protect your car, but protect you within it. Make sure to do the things which make you prepared to drive, such as never being under the influence, and always wearing your seatbelt. Get your car maintenance regularly, so that you know that you can trust things like your brakes and transmission. Learn how to follow all your state and governmental rules of the road, so that you are prepared in advance for how to act in situations which might be less familiar, like traffic circles. And, protect your car from minor damage issues by getting it detailed inside and out. Not only will your car protect you better by being ready and safe to get you where you need to drive, but those around you will be grateful. After all, by protecting your car, you are not only helping to protect your body and that of your family and friends, but all of those who are driving on the roads around you as well.

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