It’s not secret that new cars now have a variety of features, but do those features really make those cars better than older cars? After all, many older cars were built with solid metal frames and seem like they could hold up well in an accident against these newer plastic cars. Right? Let’s see what
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Is Your Business Being Threatened?
10/09/2023 | Laura Bennett5 Ways to Protect Yourself During a Police Encounter
10/09/2023 | Laura BennettIf you are ever stopped by a police officer, either from walking down your street, driving, or at your house, here are the top five ways to better protect yourself during the encounter. Following these rules can help you prevent additional interactions or fines they may try to produce while meeting with them. Keep a
What are the Different Types of Divorce?
10/09/2023 | Laura BennettIt may seem that while getting a divorce can be complicated, that there is really only one way to do it, just with different components. There are actually a few different ways of approaching the end of your marriage. The type of divorce you can get depends on how long you have been married, the