How a Lawyer Can Help You After an Accident

10/09/2023 |  Laura Bennett

Car accidents can be stressful and scary. In addition to any physical injury caused by the accident, you may also be facing hefty financial charges. A lawyer can help you sort through these charges and get you the help you need.  Hold an At-Fault Driver Responsible In an accident, it is crucial to figure out

What to Check in Your Loved One’s Estate Plan

10/09/2023 |  Laura Bennett

Creating an estate plan takes work. It can be both complicated and time-consuming–and even a little confusing. It’s easy to overlook certain things that will make managing the estate much more difficult when the time comes. That’s why it’s a good idea to respectfully offer to look over your loved one’s estate plan. Here are

How to Help Your Child After Their Release From Prison

10/09/2023 |  Laura Bennett

Even your best efforts as a parent may not be enough to keep some young people out of trouble. After all, they have the power to choose their own path in life. While your relationship with your child might have been wounded because of their personal choices, your support could be exactly what they need

Why Many Estates Are Settled Through Court

10/09/2023 |  Laura Bennett

When a loved one dies, their estate must be settled. This process can be complex, and oftentimes it is necessary to go to court to finalize the settlement. There are many reasons why an estate might have to go through probate court. Here are three common reasons estates must be settled in court and tips