Planning your estate is an essential part of life as you get older and want to plan for the future of yourself and your family. And while you might be able to get started on your estate plan on your own, it isn’t a good idea to attempt it without the help of a professional.
Category: Family
Tools You Need to Use in Your Estate Plan
10/09/2023 | Laura BennettFor many people, even the idea of planning their estate can feel very overwhelming, and so they put it off for far too long. However, you can actually use many different tools to help you plan for your estate appropriately and cover all your bases. When you have the right tools at your disposal, it
3 Tips for Making Splitting Assets Easier
10/09/2023 | Laura BennettDivorces can, without a doubt, be a living nightmare. They can cause an almost infinite amount of stress and problems. However, hopefully, you and your soon-to-be-former spouse can try to handle a divorce in the most mature manner possible. There are ways to do that, and one such example is doing whatever you can to
How to Navigate Legal Issues With Elderly Parents
10/09/2023 | Laura BennettNavigating legal issues with elderly parents often isn’t easy for the parents or the child. It can be difficult for parents to accept that they aren’t as able as they used to be and that they are likely to continue to decline, albeit hopefully at a slow rate. It brings into stark reality that the