Dr. Marc Hafkin has had a private practice since 1975 seeing individuals, couples, and running psychotherapy and coaching groups. Additionally, he supervises Master and Doctoral candidates in their clinical work. Dr. Hafkin completed his Doctoral degree in 1981 and went on to complete a Post Doctoral Fellowship in Clinical Psychology in 1984. Dr. Hafkin did
Category: Business
What Businesses Need to Do to Prevent Employee Injuries
10/09/2023 | Laura BennettThe last thing your business needs is an on-the-job accident to occur. You care about your employees, and want to do everything in your power to keep them safe. Plus, accidents can lead to critical production losses and even costly lawsuits. Everyone wins when the workplace is a safe place to be. Supply PPE The
Basic Safety Measures to Take for Your Employees and Customers Alike
10/09/2023 | Laura BennettIn the world of your business, you are responsible for everything that happens under your watch. As a concerned member of society, that means that you need to do what you can to keep all your employees and customers safe. No matter what business you are in, there is the potential for danger, and you
How to Give Sufficient Warning to Employees about Job Risks
10/09/2023 | Laura BennettWhen people show up to work, they generally expect the work environment to be reasonably safe. After all, that’s part of the responsibility of being an employer. But what about those jobs or industries that come with risks? Pretty much all jobs have them to some degree, and it’s important for employees to be given