Do I Qualify for Social Security Disability?

Sustaining a life-altering injury is damaging in many ways; besides from taking away your former mobility and freedom, a disability comes with additional expenses and possibly results in an inability to work, which means you will face the added stress of no longer having an income. Thankfully, all hope isn’t lost. The United States Social

5 Legal Issues Seniors Can Encounter

Issues with the law don’t go away as you age. Many seniors find themselves dealing with a unique set of legal circumstances as they get older. Some of these can seriously impact retirement and create a nightmare of stress and paperwork. Here are just a few examples of unique legal problems and some solutions that

When Is It Okay to Sue?

Suing is a common course of action when someone has been done wrong. Frivolous lawsuits keep the courts tied up hearing matters that are absurd. However, used properly, a lawsuit can help recover damages caused by the neglect of others. Some people have religious convictions against suing another person. Others feel that they should use