5 Ways to Protect Your Business From Lawsuits

If the process of protecting a business seems complicated or challenging, you may be able to avoid most lawsuits by following five easy steps. These strategies benefit small business owners who run a traditional company.   Design Products Properly When products are manufactured, many things can happen that could ruin a consumer’s experience. This is

When Can I Legally Justify Self-Defense?

The law of self-defense is recognized in every state. Some states have a self-defense statute, and others don’t, but in any self-defense case, criminal defense lawyers must look toward their own state’s case law. Regardless of whether a state has such a statute or not, there are common legal threads in the law of self-defense

5 Weird Driving Laws in the United States

Americans have the weirdest laws. For instance, in Michigan, the last Sunday of June is known as “Log Cabin Day”. To Americans living in Michigan that may not be a surprise. However, to non-Michiganders, it really is a weird law! Michigan is not the only state with weird laws; in fact, all states have their

5 Tips to Help You Prepare for the LSAT

Once you’ve committed to taking the LSAT, you want to know how to score as well as possible. There’s no way to do your best on the LSAT without some serious preparation. Here are five tips to prepare for the LSAT:   1. Use diagrams for logic games As you work through logic puzzles, come