3 Ways to Protect Your Family From Medical Malpractice

People literally put their lives in the hands of medical professionals every day. We do this because we trust that they have the knowledge and experience to help us. Most of the time, this trust is merited and goes without any complication. However, doctors are human beings, which means they can make mistakes. Fortunately, there

5 Differences Between Civil and Criminal Law

Civil law and criminal law are two separate limbs of the legal system in America. Each one is broad, with its own set of laws and punishments. There are several differences between criminal cases and civil cases. Criminal cases aim to punish the offender, who has offended the state (or society). Civil lawsuits, on the

5 Idiosyncrasies of US Law

US law is unique when compared to many other legal systems around the world. This fact is mostly attributed to some very defining precedents that have been made by the courts since the country’s founding. Below are five things that the US does that many other legal systems do not.   Adversarial The US legal

Posted in Law

What are the Different Types of Divorce?

It may seem that while getting a divorce can be complicated, that there is really only one way to do it, just with different components. There are actually a few different ways of approaching the end of your marriage. The type of divorce you can get depends on how long you have been married, the