Diamond Ranch Academy – Utah’s Premier School for Troubled Teens

Diamond Ranch Academy (DRA) is a residential treatment center where teens who are finding it hard to cope in a positive way with everyday life can come to address their individual issues and have a staff of professional instructors and counseling guide them through academic, therapeutic and life-skills strategies. Two of the core programs for

Victim of a Hit & Run? 5 Things to do Now

When a motorist hits property, a pedestrian, another motorist or causes a collision and takes off from the scene, it is a hit-and-run run incident. Even, if they lie about what happened it is still a hit-and-run. If this happens to you, then information is your best weapon. These are the five things to do

3 Foolproof Ways to Make the Police Love You

It’s not easy being a cop, and it’s not easy interacting with them — which makes for a pretty uncomfortable situation when you come face-to-face. What are you supposed to say? How are you supposed to act? Demonstrate utmost tact and respect toward our esteemed public servants with these handy tips. Offer Your Assistance If

Posted in Law

5 Surefire Ways to Make a Criminal Charge Worse

When you’re facing a misdemeanor, you know that there can be serious consequences. You’re facing jail time, fines and possibly actions against your driver’s license. This can affect your life and livelihood. Even though this is all bad enough, there are some things you can do to make the situation worse. Here are 5 surefire