When Can I Sue? How to Know if You Have a Case

If you are involved in a situation that might require litigation, it is very important that you work hard to figure out if you have a legal case. Civil litigation is an important area of law, but it is very important that you move forward in a way that will serve you and not backfire

Yanlış Anlaşılmaları Ortadan Kaldıralım: Kyani Sistemi Dolandırıcılık Değildir

Öyle görünüyor ki birileri işletmenin sunduğu ürün ya da hizmetten memnun olmadığı anda onu dolandırıcılık veya piramit şeması olarak nitelendiriyor. Kyani hakkındaki birkaç şikayeti okuduğunuzda da durum bundan farklı görünmüyor. Yanlış anlaşılmaları ortadan kaldırıp doğrusunu öğrenelim! Kyani’de Kariyer Fırsatı Bunun milyonlarca farklı adı vardır: Çok katlı pazarlama (MLM), ağ pazarlama, doğrudan satış vs. Ne derseniz

How to Protect Your Products and Intellectual Ideas

The next great idea is a valuable thing. It’s even more valuable if you know how to properly protect it and use it. Whether you are creating the next hot comic book character, an engaging tag line for a telecommunications company, or a sleek new model of autonomous flying machine, you need to be sure

Should You Incorporate you Kyani Business?

Kyani is a business that has provided great opportunities to thousands of people to grow a business. After a time, some might wonder if they should expand their business in a new way that would provide more opportunity and security. Some might consider incorporating their business. Incorporating provides a number of advantages that every business