How to Navigate Custody Disputes

Nothing complicates a divorce quite as quickly as a custody dispute. It’s one area where neither party is likely to want to give any ground, so it can be hard to reach a compromise. The laws are also complicated, which can lead to trouble during even the most amicable divorce. Fortunately, there are a few

5 Ways to Protect Yourself During a Police Encounter

If you are ever stopped by a police officer, either from walking down your street, driving, or at your house, here are the top five ways to better protect yourself during the encounter. Following these rules can help you prevent additional interactions or fines they may try to produce while meeting with them. Keep a

What Are Your Options If You’ve Been Hit By A Drunk Driver?

Drunk drivers can cause serious damage to your vehicle and the accident can cause serious injury. Also, the crash causes a great deal of emotional suffering to the victim. Luckily, if you have a collision with a drunk driver, you have a high chance of winning a lawsuit. This is particularly true if you live

Questions to Ask Your Auto Accident Attorney

Anyone who has been involved in an auto accident knows just how overwhelming it can be. If you plan to hire an auto accident attorney to assist you with your claim, knowing which questions to ask can help you find the right attorney for your needs. “What damages might I recover?” One of the first