Can Christian Lawyers Be Personal Injury Attorneys?

The short answer to this question is yes. The task of a personal injury attorney is to represent clients who have been harmed through another’s negligence or recklessness, and this is done according to civil laws. Where the laws are just, they reflect the divine law, albeit imperfectly, and are thus worthy of being upheld

5 Reasons You Need a Lawyer for Your Contracts

Just like other business owners, you want to make sure that you are maximizing the profit of your rental property without having to deal with any damage to your property. Because of your business deals with other people and their actions, it is important that you have a contract with your tenants. As a landlord,

What Should I Do if I Was Attacked By a Dog?

Dog attacks can result in some very serious injuries. In most cases, an animal attack requires legal action, just to recover the costs of medical treatment for one’s injuries. Keeping that in mind, there are a number of responses one should follow in the event that he or she has been bitten by a dog.