3 Major Factors That Can Complicate a Divorce

There are plenty of couples out there who may eventually come to the decision that it is time for a divorce. No matter what, a divorce will be a messy and often painful experience for both parties. However, it’s important to be aware of some of the main factors that complicate a divorce. Debt In

Areas of the Law You Should Consider Studying

Lawyers in any field really have their work cut out for them and there are so many areas to specialize in. However, if you really want to make a difference then you should consider studying tax, family, or immigration law. Tax Law Tax lawyers deal with domestic and international disputes. Since there are frequent changes

How to Keep Your Legal Skills Sharp

Law school teaches you practical skills you will use for the rest of your legal career. However, it can be easy to go through the motions and dull your legal skills without practice. Here are a few ways to keep yourself sharp when it comes to legal processes. Branch Out If you are not feeling

Growing Industries with Regulatory Hurdles

Cannabis, vaping, and tobacco are growing industries that are constantly adapting. Tobacco causes health problems, cannabis can help with health problems, but vaping is still new and unknown. Each of these growing industries faces regulatory hurdles in distribution, sale, and creation in order to protect the public. Cannabis Since it’s a rapidly growing industry, the