What You Need To Know Before You Build A Custom Garage

Laws for Building a Custom Garage First and foremost, before a single shovel of dirt has been dug, you need to familiarize yourself with all the construction-related laws you should know before you build. These laws may reflect any type of customization including garage restrooms, custom garage cabinets, garage floors. Lot approval Ownership of land

How to Avoid Lawsuits Related to COVID-19

One of the big concerns on the minds of businesses as they reopen is the potential to be sued by employees or consumers who may contract COVID-19 after visiting their business. There has been enough concern that some states have even passed laws that protect businesses from such lawsuits. Regardless of whether or not your

CBD and the Law: What You Need to Know

CBD has become the latest trend in natural health products available. You can find CBD gummies, oils, capsules, lotions, and a plethora of other products that allow you to treat common pains and ailments with CBD. But just because it is popular and can help treat issues doesn’t mean that you don’t have to pay

How to Navigate Legal Issues With Elderly Parents

Navigating legal issues with elderly parents often isn’t easy for the parents or the child. It can be difficult for parents to accept that they aren’t as able as they used to be and that they are likely to continue to decline, albeit hopefully at a slow rate. It brings into stark reality that the