Divorce Lawyer in Ventura, what to know before you hire a lawyer to represent you.

Finding the right divorce attorney in Ventura County can be a daunting task. At Taylor, McCord, Praver and Cherry Divorce Lawyers, our experienced team of attorneys have the knowledge and expertise to provide you with the legal advice and representation needed to ensure your divorce is managed effectively and efficiently. Our lawyers are committed to

Why Estate Settlement Can Take Time

The death of a loved one is already an emotionally difficult process. Unfortunately, if you’re not prepared, the estate settlement can be hard as well. Here are some of the most common reasons that an estate settlement can take up more time than you’d think. Lack of Estate Documents A properly notarized last will and

Why You Should Never Attempt to Defend Yourself in Court

There are many reasons why it’s never a good idea to try and defend yourself in court. It can make a wrong impression on the judge, you don’t have the skill or experience necessary to navigate the legal system successfully, and there are other potential pitfalls of trying to represent yourself. Let’s take a look

What You Need to Avoid a Lawsuit at Your Business

No one wants to deal with the struggle of a lawsuit, and when your business faces a legal battle it can add a ton of frustration to your life. Luckily, you can take action in advance to prevent a lawsuit and make sure that your business is as safe as possible from legal trouble. Avoiding