Legal Do’s and Don’ts of Home Defense

When deciding to use a security system for your home that includes cameras, several legal issues need to be considered when having them installed and what the overall purpose of the camera is. In some cases, these cameras can get you into some trouble.


Recording Outside of Your Home

It’s a smart idea for your security to put some cameras outside of your home, especially the doors. This is completely legal, especially because it’s recording areas outside of your house that is visible to the public eye if someone were to walk by. However, it is important to be careful of what you are recording. If your angle is titled a particular direction, such as toward your neighbor’s property, you are allowed to record that area as long as it anywhere the public would usually see.

The idea is that you can record anywhere there isn’t a reasonable expectation of privacy. Beyond that, you could be in trouble, such as if your camera happened to point towards a window and has visual inside. When a company, such as ADT Security Systems, comes out to install your system, they will set them up pointing in areas that are completely legal. How long does it take to install an ADT security system? Only two hours, so it’s always a good idea to let a technician do the work for you and save yourself from time. Also, many companies will offer you signs or stickers that tell people your home is monitored, which acts as an excellent deterrent.


Recording Inside Your Home

You are allowed to have video cameras inside your home to ensure security, and you don’t necessarily have to tell anyone or post signs anywhere letting people know. Keep in mind that you still can’t post a camera in an area where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy. Somewhere, where someone would be undressed, is off-limits, so bathrooms, changing rooms, and bedrooms are not a place to put a camera. The living room is a good place because there isn’t an expectation of privacy there, as well as the kitchen, garage, etc. However, you can’t post videos of other people online without their consent or for any commercial gain. It’s important to note that anyone that breaks into your home does not have the comfort of privacy, and can be recorded and handed over to the police as that is a crime.


Recording with Audio

Here is where the large problem lies. More and more cameras are wi-fi operated and have the option of recording audio, which is seen as wire-tapping. You cannot record someone via audio without their consent, which is why phone companies or bill collectors say that your call is being recorded. They have to disclose that information to you. The minimum, in general, is that one person of the party must know that they are being recorded. Because that is the minimum set by the federal government, you cannot go any lower than that, and those rules vary depending on the state. This means you can’t record any conversations that you’re not a part of. They also cannot be used for eavesdropping.

If you’re using the audio and visual for your protection and plan on keeping it to yourself, it’s okay to have. Bear in mind that you should be careful where you put your cameras in your home as hackers have been able to cut in on the feed and stream it live. Avoid this by setting up the system with the manufacturer and then changing the password immediately, and on a monthly basis. Most companies will offer to set it up for you from start to finish and explain how it works.

5 Tips to Reduce Property Liability at Your Business

A person can’t win a property liability lawsuit against your business unless he or she can prove that you neglected your legal duty to that person. Your legal duties include making a reasonable effort to maintain a safe environment for people, as well as warning about unsafe conditions. To reduce property liability risks, your business must comply with safety laws and demonstrate a responsibility for the welfare of others.


1. Take adequate safety measures


Many business owners are busy with running their companies and overlook other aspects, like safety, that aren’t generating money. In fact, neglecting safety measures can cost your business money. Develop and implement a safety plan that adequately protects your business from an incident or accident that can cause property damage or bodily injury. According to a personal injury lawyer in Colorado, a simple and effective safety plan can significantly reduce your risk, saving you money on compliance and litigation in the long run.


2. Seek professional advice


An insurance broker can explain liability policies and other coverage details. Professionals who deal with businesses and claims regularly have good insight as to what policies would be best for you. Seek legal advice regarding personal injury to make sure you’re complying with all the laws and regulations that pertain to your business.


3. Carry adequate insurance coverage


Do a premium cost comparison of what’s included and excluded to ensure you’re purchasing the right coverage. You don’t want to have an incident or accident and then make a claim to find out you’re actually not insured for the event. You could cost your business money by paying for cheaper insurance that’s not covering claim costs made against you.


4. Learn from the mistakes of others


A good approach in reviewing possible risks is to learn from other businesses and what they may (or may not) have done that resulted in a liability claim. Speak with others who are in the same industry at professional business meetings. Ask about the risk management plans they’ve implemented, or wished they had in place before a claim was filed.


5. Think ahead and don’t be complacent


An accident or incident can happen to you, so complacency could be your enemy. Once an event happens, it’s too late for risk management. Review your safety procedures regularly and look for ways to improve them each time.


Reduce your property liability by equipping yourself with proper knowledge, sound advice and adequate insurance coverage. Keep an open mind for new ideas. Review your safety measures on a regular basis to keep your business profitable.



Bachus & Schanker Law


The Importance Of Reputation Management For Your Business

As a techpreneur, shaping the public perception of your brand might seem like a herculean task considering the fast-paced nature of the cyber age. However, online reputation management is an innovative tool that is revolutionizing business relations and tech-savvy businesses are already banking in on its innumerable benefits. It’s a tailor-made solution that allows business owners to constantly keep track of mentions about their company and products on the internet whilst engaging consumers in a proper way that can mitigate the effects of negative reviews. Simply put, online reputation management is a way of safeguarding the most important asset that any business has, their reputation.

Who is It Intended For?
It’s important for businesses and individuals alike but our primary focus today is, how online reputation management can boost your business in achieving exponential success. Consumers are naturally inclined to deal with companies that portray a good public image, so a poor online reputation will most likely drive them to a competitor. As your small business grows, more people will start discussing your brand and, more importantly, what others are saying about your business. This is why it’s advisable to have an active role in monitoring and controlling all available information on the internet pertaining to your business.

Perks and Benefits
This all-important online conversation by consumers who use your products has now become one of the most important measures of the quality of goods and services offered by a company. According to a recent study, 88% of consumers rely on online reviews to determine the quality of the products offered by a business while 72% of consumers will immediately act on a positive review. Potential customers have a higher chance of buying from your business if they find positive reviews from previous customers.

Effective online reputation management can also make or break a potential business partnership. This greatly depends on what image your business has on Google and other high authority sites such as Foursquare and Yelp. With good PR, however, you can expect a tremendous boost in terms of targeted traffic to your site, a higher credibility score, and a free advertising package.

Case Studies You Can Learn From
Generational Equity (a merger, and acquisition company in Dallas), is a good example of how false complaints can easily land a company in murky waters. A former disgruntled employee recently wrote some controversial blog posts that were intended to maliciously damage the reputation of the company. Although he was later arrested, the company had already lost $75,000 in sales with the potential to lose even more. Seeking a team of experts to kick-start an online reputation campaign seems like the most viable option for Generational Equity to counter all the negative publicity that has greatly affected their business.

Online reputation management is here to stay and is a supporting pillar for the sustenance and continued growth of modern-day businesses. So, do your research diligently and choose wisely before handing over the global image of your business to just any firm.

Additional resources:

What to Know About Filing a Work Compensation Claim

If you become ill or injured at work, you may need to file a worker’s compensation form. Workers compensation exists to pay for rehabilitation, medical care, and some wage replacement when you miss work due to an injury sustained there. For you to secure these benefits, you must carefully file a worker’s compensation claim and follow your state procedures. If this is your first time, check out these tips for getting your compensation right the first time.

Filing a Claim

If your injury is intense, getting immediate medical care is critical and you should inform your employer as soon as possible. This is the trickiest art of processing the worker’s compensation claim. In most states, the limit is one month before you inform your employer. However, many states have different limits. In many occasions, the limit is between few days to a maximum of two years.


Time Limitations

In an unfortunate even where your employer refuses to comply with you in filing your worker’s compensation claim, the remedy to your situation is a call to the worker’s compensation claim office. Consequentially, your employer must have the claim forms to fill and submit quickly. After that, it is the duty of your employer to submit the paperwork to the correct insurance agency. Depending on your state, you will have to file a separate claim with your worker’s compensation agency. You should not take more than one year after the injury before submitting this form. However, many states have a shorter limit.


Getting Approval

If your claim remains undisputed by the insurance carrier or employer, it will be approved. An adjuster will contact you and your employer to give you more instructions on how to submit your payment for medical bills. However, things never go the way we expect. The employer may fight your right to benefit in an attempt to keep your worker’s compensation rates from hiking. Attorneys who specialize in work injury recommend you produce good documentation to counteract such practices, including your medical treatment records, doctors notes, and any other paper files from the injury.


Wage Loss

If your injury does not cause you to lose income, the extent of your claim will be losing your bills. You will also begin to get checks to cover your wage loss. Whenever you recover, your employer will notify the insurance agent to stop sending checks.


Employees injured on the job site are eligible to receive the worker’s compensation benefits. While this process should be straightforward, there are many guidelines to determine whether the injury qualifies for compensation. The procedure above is essential to file a proper claim. As your worker’s compensation claim proceeds, be sure to keep the additional costs appraised by the adjuster. Send copies of all your documentation as requested.