Diamond Ranch Academy – Utah’s Premier School for Troubled Teens
Diamond Ranch Academy (DRA) is a residential treatment center where teens who are finding it hard to cope in a positive way with everyday life can come to address their individual issues and have a staff of professional instructors and counseling guide them through academic, therapeutic and life-skills strategies. Two of the core programs for this journey is DRA’s academics and athletics.
Diamond Ranch Academy boarding school has designed an academic environment based on the belief that a personalized approach to learning is the most constructive means by which any youth having difficulties with coping skills can find an interest in a traditional school environment and learn at their own pace. All of the DRA instructors are certified and have either a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in their field of study. They have also been licensed by the North West Accreditation Commission.
The teachers encourage each teen to have a stake in their own learning process. This allows them to feel empowered about what they are being taught and how to apply the information that they are given in the best way that suits their learning needs. Saying this, at the core of the curriculum is teaching each teen new learning strategies and skills that they can adapt to their learning style and pace.
Each student must pass the assignments and assessments for the subject matter at least 80 percent. It is about understanding that progress in any particular subject is not compared to another student’s success but simply each individual student’s progress and success. As students apply the learning strategies and techniques that they learn, they will see their grades improve over time. This leads to a growing self-confidence in their academics that they may not have had at all before they came to DRA.
Students also have the ability to work in smaller groups of peers than they may be used to in a larger academic environment. This allows for less overwhelming peer setting for working on skills in collaboration, constructive criticism, and critical thinking through problem-solving and leadership situations that may be present.
Special Education
For students with documented special needs that attend DRA, there is the benefit of developing an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) as in other academic environments. The bonus is that with the smaller class sizes, this student will be in a traditional classroom most, if not all, of the time, and they will have as much individualized attention from the instructor as they need including tutoring. There are also licensed special education instructors to work with youth that have special academic needs.
Field Trips
An integral part of the DRA academic program is taking the students out of the traditional class room environment to experience what they are learning in real-world environments. This way, they are able to not just visual how a concept can come to fruition, but actually, see how it works
Athletics play an important role at Diamond Ranch Academy for both boys and girls, and the Academy prides itself in having the most all-encompassing sports program that any boarding school in the area can offer since it was approved by the Utah High School Activities Association in 2011. This allows many DRA athletes to be considered for athletic scholarships to major colleges and universities around the country.
This includes coaches who understand how to teach the concept of being a team player as well as developing the idea of sportsmanship and respect for others. Individually, team sports help teens to understand and develop their individual strengths as well.
Athletic Program for Boys
The boys’ basketball team has a reputation for teamwork and winning championships, which is accomplished as a 1A state champion in 2016. The coach has consistently put the team in the top five regionally for five consecutive years.
The DRA baseball team plays at Venom Park which is located on the 55 acres of the Diamond Ranch Academy. It is a state-of-the art high school stadium with turf on both the infield and outfield as well as batting cages.
The golf program practice and compete at the Sand Hollow Golf Course which is approximately two miles from the DRA. This stellar Course is rated #1 in the state of Utah and in the top 50 in the United States. All the DRA golf coaches have been trained by the PGA and are professionals.
The soccer coaches develop speed, quickness, and coordination in each player as the play and compete on the turf field located on the grounds of the DRA that has been nationally recognized as one of the best high school soccer fields in the country by ESPN Magazine and USA Today.
Athletic Program for Girls
The girls’ team plays on the same field as the boys, in levels of competition from beginners through veteran players with an emphasis on having fun.
Because of the small student body, many girls will now have an opportunity to be involved in cheerleading as well as dance teams. DRA offers both with a core goal of team-building and having respect for everyone’s level of fitness and skill.
The DRA girls’ volleyball team, the Lady ‘Backs train and compete in the SNAKE PIT, the same gym as the boys’ basketball team. It is known as the “Loudest Gym in Utah” on local sports radio and sports web sites. The team has consistently made its way to the state tournament and in its first year to round three for the state championship.
Sand Hollow Golf Course is also the home of the DRA girls’ golf team. They are also trained by the same PGA professionals who help them to hone their skills in regular and competition play.
Track Club
Even though it is called a club, those who participate in track can also compete. Many girls though join the track club to work on discipline and challenge themselves to improve their level of fitness. These skills are monitored by a track coach.
This is not for competition, but it is a great way for the girls at DRA to burn off some calories and some energy as a recreational activity for teens at all levels of physical fitness.
City League/Intramural Sports
In order for all students to be engaged no matter what their age, athletic skill, and gender, Diamond Ranch Academy offers teens the opportunity to participate in intramural sports in a city league on both teams as well as individual sports activities. This includes football that is played each Friday night in a stadium environment underneath the stadium lights.
These two programs, Academics, and Athletics promote life skills in leadership, critical thinking, self-confidence, team skills, and an overall better self-awareness for each teen and who they are as they enter adulthood and cope with the daily events in their own lives.
Victim of a Hit & Run? 5 Things to do Now
When a motorist hits property, a pedestrian, another motorist or causes a collision and takes off from the scene, it is a hit-and-run run incident. Even, if they lie about what happened it is still a hit-and-run. If this happens to you, then information is your best weapon. These are the five things to do immediately if you were a victim of this crime.
Pull Over Safely
If you are even able to drive and you see the person who hit you leaving you behind, then you might be tempted to chase and catch the suspect. This is an instinct you have to avoid at all costs. It could make things bad for you legally and physically. This is especially true if you are hurt and road rage endangers other drivers too. If you do anything, try to remember the description of the car and license plate number.
Immediately Call 911 Once You Are Safely Parked
Even if you were unable to get the vehicle’s description or plate number, you need to get a police officer there immediately to report the crime. Also, due to adrenaline, you may be unaware you are injured or how bad the injuries are, so getting a paramedic on the scene to give you a medical evaluation is a good idea. Failing to contact the police right away will cause problems for your insurance later, and when you get a hold of your attorney, they will tell you did the right thing by calling the police immediately.
Gather Evidence
Before you get a hold of your attorney, gather as much evidence as possible. First, you might want to go through this crash checklist. Next, take pictures of every single area of damage and from all angles. Finally, you need to write down everything you can remember from the time of the crime.
Look for Witnesses
The only witnesses you have will be the people that stop to help you. Or potentially, the people who are witnesses to a crime. Make sure you write down their contact information and stories. There is a good chance someone saw the plate number of the culprit if you did not. If they did, you can give it to the police and your insurance company, so the insurance company can attempt to recuperate costs from the person responsible.
Contact Your Insurance Company
After you have dealt with police, dealt with any injuries and gathered evidence from your vehicle and witnesses, you have to call your insurance company. If the motorist responsible cannot be found there are different types of insurance you may have depending on what state you are in. It is a ton of jargon best handled and explained by a legal expert. You will have to get a hold of your attorney at this stage.
Knowing what to do ahead of time will make things a little easier. Also, before this does happen to you, you should talk to your insurance agent about it hypothetically. It might be worth it to you. It depends on where you live and the frequency of accidents and crime. This could impact a clause put into your insurance to cover you.
3 Foolproof Ways to Make the Police Love You
It’s not easy being a cop, and it’s not easy interacting with them — which makes for a pretty uncomfortable situation when you come face-to-face. What are you supposed to say? How are you supposed to act? Demonstrate utmost tact and respect toward our esteemed public servants with these handy tips.
Offer Your Assistance
If you notice an officer who’s having a rough time, offer your assistance! Maybe they are trying to arrest somebody who isn’t cooperating, or they are writing up a ticket. Here’s your chance to be a Good Samaritan for the day. Help them book that crook, aid them in scribbling whatever they write on that ticket, and whatever you do, don’t take no for an answer — many cops are too embarrassed to express gratitude.
Get out of the Car
When officers stop people on the road, it can really put them on edge. It’s hard to tell who is or isn’t a threat. One key thing to remember, then, is that you need to demonstrate that you have nothing to hide. If you’re pulled over, show your officer courtesy by quickly exiting your vehicle and speed-walking towards them with your hands in your pockets. This keeps the situation light and casual.
If he or she tells you to stop, they’re likely being shy. Police have a very reclusive lifestyle, especially when they’re cooped up in a car all day, so if they take out a gun or taser, that’s just their way of saying they’re feeling shy or unsure. Give them a taut hug, they’ll surely appreciate it.
Ask Them Out
But what about situations where you have not committed any infraction or crime? If you see an attractive police officer during your day — or really any police officer (a little attention can really help boost their self-esteem!) — it’s important to treat them like you would any other prospective love interest.
Keep things light and flirty. Some people engage in a teasingly fun game of “Got your gun!” The object of this game is to sneakily, but in as cute of a way as possible, snatch objects from the officer’s belt. Mind you, some cops can be a little tense after a long day or even just stuck up, so it’s advised to not start with such a valuable item as gun if you aren’t sure about the officer’s demeanor.
After swiping their handcuffs, hat, or other piece of equipment, you simply tease them, wave it over his or her head, and then proceed to introduce yourself. Don’t forget to jokingly “run away.” They’ll be sure to follow!
Police officers dedicate their lives to doing what none of the rest of us are willing to do. They help keep roadways safe, track down and stop potentially harmful activities, and save lives. It’s no one’s dream job, but they do it anyway. Don’t take this article seriously — give police the respect they deserve.
Ways to Engage with Law Enforcement
Assault and Battery Crimes in Maryland
5 Surefire Ways to Make a Criminal Charge Worse
When you’re facing a misdemeanor, you know that there can be serious consequences. You’re facing jail time, fines and possibly actions against your driver’s license. This can affect your life and livelihood. Even though this is all bad enough, there are some things you can do to make the situation worse. Here are 5 surefire ways to make a criminal charge worse:
Missing a Court Date
If you miss a court date, the court can swear out a warrant for your arrest. Any failure to appear sends the message to the court that you’re not taking the case seriously. Make sure you always know when your next court date is. Don’t offer excuses for why you can’t make your court date, because court dates are not negotiable.
Not Following Bond Conditions
When you have a pending misdemeanor charge, you’re usually granted bond. Bond almost always comes with bond conditions. You may be ordered not to use alcohol or illegal substances. You may have to avoid contact with one or more individuals. If you violate your bond conditions, you can end up in jail until the case resolves.
Talking About the Case
You know how the police tell you that what you say can and will be used against you in a court of law? They mean it. What you say is almost always admissible in court. If you tell the police or a friend that you’re guilty, the state’s attorney can admit your statement in court. Your best bet is to talk only with your attorney.
Not Telling Your Attorney the Whole Story
If your attorney is going to represent you well, they need to know the good, the bad and the ugly. Don’t try to minimize the situation or lie to your attorney. Telling them the entire story helps them give you good advice, and it helps them prepare your best defense.
Picking Up New Charges
Defending one misdemeanor charge is hard enough. Fighting two sets of charges is even more challenging. Now is the time that you want to convince the court that your criminal behavior doesn’t really represent who you are. New criminal charges make it much harder to get a favorable sentence. Now is the time to be very careful to follow the laws.
Getting Back On Track
No matter how minor it might seem, any criminal charge can change your life. When things get bad, the best thing to do is stop making them worse. Avoiding these things can help you address the charges against you and create a plan to move forward.