5 Fastest-Growing Law Careers

One of the most fascinating career choices, law offers virtually unlimited opportunities for those entering the field. Whether it’s working as a criminal defense attorney to help those accused of wrongdoing or as a legal aid attorney for those who cannot afford legal services, law is a field that lets people use a wide variety of skills. If you’re in law school and trying to make up your mind what area of law to focus on, here are five of the fastest-growing law careers that might merit your consideration.

Personal Injury

If you like aspects of criminal law and the medical profession, consider becoming a personal injury attorney. Not only will you be helping those whose lives have been forever changed due to car accidents or negligent acts by others, but you’ll also use the skills learned in law school to reach settlements and protect clients from corporations and insurance companies.

Entertainment Law

If you’re great at negotiating contracts and helping people start new business ventures, become an entertainment lawyer. In addition to being a fast-growing career, it’s also one of the best-paying, since you’ll often get a percentage of most deals you help negotiate.

Elder Law

With the U.S. population aging at a rapid pace, elder law is becoming a very important field for many families. In addition to helping seniors with wills and trusts, you may also help families if questions arise concerning the care of their loved ones in nursing homes or other facilities.

Environmental Law

As government regulations change each and every year, more and more companies are in need of help when it comes to navigating this complex field. Along with becoming an expert on government regulations, you’ll be working with companies that are developing alternative sources of energy, negotiate new locations for energy production, and help clients secure government funding.

Family Law

As laws change across the nation regarding same-sex marriages and other family relationships, the field of family law is desperate for attorneys who are familiar with this aspect of law. In addition to the hot button issue of same-sex marriages, family law attorneys also help clients with custody battles, divorces, and adoptions.

Whether you choose family law, elder law, or one of numerous other fields, the need for excellent attorneys will never end. By bringing enthusiasm and knowledge to your field, you and your clients will be satisfied time after time.








Never Ignore a Car Safety Recall

A vehicle recall occurs when a manufacturer of a vehicle recognizes that there is a problem with the vehicle and offers to fix all affected models free of charge. It might seem like a hassle to take your car to the dealership and potentially be without transportation until the repair is being done, but a recall is not something you can ignore. 20-50 million people are injured, disabled, and even killed on the road each year, so you should take every precaution that you can when it comes to vehicle safety.


Recalls occur when a make, model, and certain years of vehicle are determined to be unsafe by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration or NHTSA. They cost a great deal of money for the manufacturers and are only issued when a major problem or danger is noticed. If you choose to toss a recall notice aside, you may be jeopardizing your safety as well as the safety of others on the road. The most common reasons for recalls include problems with brakes, airbags, seat belts, tire blowouts, or problems with a car’s structure. Recalls are only issued for safety issues, not minor flaws such as your window motor or air conditioner not working.


Another significant reason not to ignore a safety recall is that if you become injured, you might not be able to file a successful claim because you didn’t get the problem fixed when the recall was issued. It’s a huge risk and puts you in danger financially, especially if others are injured in the accident as a result of not getting the issue fixed. You may be liable for their injuries and expenses instead of your insurance company.

Disability and Social Security

If you sustain injuries in an accident and end up disabled, you may not be eligible if it is determined that the accident or injury could have been prevented with due diligence. This is definitely not something you want to have to fight when the cost to prevent it is free. Your claim may be denied if an investigation determines that you were aware of the risk and chose not to address it.

It’s absolutely critical to get your vehicle fixed if there is a recall. Be proactive and look up your vehicle specifically to see if there have been any recalls, especially if you purchase a used vehicle from a private seller because you might not receive direct notices about applicable recalls from the manufacturer.

What is Alimony and Do You Need It?

When couples head towards divorce, they often wonder how they are going to build a new life, separate from all that they are leaving behind. In marriage, everything was intertwined, including finances, and this can be a rather worrisome point, especially if one spouse was a stay at home parent. This is where alimony comes in.

What is Alimony?

Alimony is a legal obligation to provide financial support to your spouse after divorce. In most cases, a former spouse will pay alimony because the court orders them to. This is often the case if one spouse was employed and the other was not, or if one party can make a financial claim upon the other. Alimony is also called spousal support.

What’s the Purpose of Alimony?

There are a few different reasons that a court might order alimony. When a spouse gives up working for whatever reason during the marriage, a divorce might have a drastic economic impact. One purpose of alimony is to ease this financial burden. Alimony might allow the spouse to pursue a degree or career training or just make a transition to a new lifestyle. The goal of most alimony payments is to keep a former spouse from becoming reliant on the government for the support that their ex provided, assuming that support is reasonable.

How Long Do You Pay Alimony?

In most cases, you only pay alimony for a limited period of time. This is usually the case when the former spouse receiving alimony is trying to find new work. The longer the marriage and time away from work, the longer the court will order alimony to be paid. In these cases, alimony can last anywhere from one year to ten years.

A court may order alimony when a spouse isn’t able to get a new job because of circumstances outside of their control that occur before the divorce. This often occurs in a partner has a disease or disability that prevents them from earning money that occurred before the divorce. If the couple is nearing retirement age and the spouse who has not been working may not be able to find work, the other spouse may be ordered to pay alimony for retirement.

How Much Do You Pay?

The amount of an alimony payment depends on the needs of the receiving spouse and the paying spouse’s ability to pay. It also depends on the laws in the state where you divorce. In some cases, alimony is just enough to meet your basic needs. In other cases, it’s enough to pay tuition or enjoy a lifestyle similar to the lifestyle during the marriage. Negotiating the terms for alimony can be difficult, so if your divorce involves an alimony claim, make sure you get a lawyer who has experience with alimony claims.

Wrap Up

Alimony can be a controversial thing, but it is a fact of the divorce process. If you need alimony, you can request it in your court papers. Ultimately, these payments exist to help you get back on your feet and build your new life.

Intruder Alert! 5 Reasons to Monitor Your Security System

You may have heard your grandparents talk about not having to lock their doors at night when they were children. People leaving their doors unlocked today is unthinkable. Criminal experts agree that installing a home security system is the best way for you to deter intruders. However, not all systems are created equal. Is your home security system being monitored? Here are five reasons for having a monitored system:

Security when you are not home

Just imagine that you are on vacation and someone tries to break into your home. If the system is not monitored, who is going to call the police? A burglar may realize that no one is home and can run off with your valuables before anyone hears the alarm. With a monitored system, the alarm will alert your 24/7 monitoring station. They will quickly dispatch the authorities.

Your health alert button is monitored

If you are a senior or disabled person living alone, you could get hurt without anyone realizing it. Monitored systems have emergency button options where homeowners wear a button as a bracelet or necklace.

What if you were in an urgent medical situation and could not reach your phone? Just press the button, and an ambulance will come right to your door. Unmonitored systems may not have this option.

Fire safety

You are wise to have smoke detectors on every level of your home, and beside each bedroom door. Even without a monitoring system, smoke detectors can save your life in the event of a fire. What if you are unconscious because of smoke or are not at home? Your neighbors may not notice the fire until it is too late. When you have a monitored system, your monitoring center will alert local firefighters.

Emergencies that unmonitored systems do not cover

If you and your family are asleep or away on vacation, how would you know if your basement is flooding? If your fridge or freezer goes out, hundreds of dollars of food can be ruined. Many home security systems have specialized gadgets that monitor your water pipes (in case of flooding or freezing) and your appliances. If they are tripped, the monitoring center will notify you right away.

Differentiating Emergencies

If you depend on your neighbors to monitor your alarm system, you could be sorry. If they hear your alarms go off, they may not do call anybody until they are frustrated with the noise. It may be too late by that time. They do not even know what type of emergency is happening in your house. A monitoring system knows each alarm and the right authorities to call.

Having a home security system is wonderful. Companies like ADT installs home alarm systems in homes of all sizes. If you want the most benefits from it, you should consider a company to monitor it. While it is an investment, it can save money, your property, and your very life. It is a decision that you will be glad you made.