Can Christian Lawyers Be Personal Injury Attorneys?

The short answer to this question is yes. The task of a personal injury attorney is to represent clients who have been harmed through another’s negligence or recklessness, and this is done according to civil laws. Where the laws are just, they reflect the divine law, albeit imperfectly, and are thus worthy of being upheld and put into practice.


What Is Justice?

Perhaps the real question here is whether it’s just for an injury victim to pursue a claim against another. Because if it were not, then the attorney, by backing the victim’s claim, would be complicit in an act of injustice, which would be a sin.

The Law of Moses defines justice as giving to another what is due to him: “You shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbor” (Lev 19:15). Another thread running through both testaments is the idea of protecting those most vulnerable (i.e. Deut 24:17-21; Jer 22:3; Matt 19:21; James 1:27, etc).

According to Page Law, litigation is about seeking “to protect victims who are harmed by the action or inaction of another person or entity.” When clients are injured through no fault of their own, they deserve, by the virtue of justice, to be compensated. This is maintained by Christ Himself, who blesses Zacchaeus and his household when he says, “If I have defrauded anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold” (Luke 19:8).

Civil laws reflect this virtue of justice, though not absolutely. Take, for example, the laws governing restitution for pain and suffering. No natural connection exists between pain and money; we cannot say absolutely that a stubbed toe costs $5 or back pain costs $1,000. Thus, there cannot be perfect justice in this regard, as there can be if the victim merely wants payment for medical bills.


What About Forgiveness?

As Christians, we know that even “perfect” justice leaves something to be desired. We are called to be merciful, to forgive those who sin against us, even till seventy times seven times (cf. Matt 18:22). At the same time, we must remember that justice and mercy do not conflict. Just as there is no Redemption without a Fall, so there is no mercy without an injury to forgive.

We must keep in mind that it is for clients to forgive, and that not all clients necessarily pursue a claim out of vengeance. Should one do so, the attorney is merely defending the client’s right to compensation; the attorney is not defending the client’s hatred, which is after all independent of the facts of the case.


Whether they’re estimating a settlement or preparing for litigation, attorneys can exercise prudence and ensure that justice, however imperfect, is carried out. As this does not constitute a sin but is, on the contrary, a praiseworthy task in itself, there is ultimately no reason why Christians cannot be personal injury attorneys.

5 Reasons You Need a Lawyer for Your Contracts

Just like other business owners, you want to make sure that you are maximizing the profit of your rental property without having to deal with any damage to your property. Because of your business deals with other people and their actions, it is important that you have a contract with your tenants. As a landlord, hiring a lawyer for advice on contracts is essential in ensuring that you achieve these goals.

Ensures Complete Contracts

Lawyers have expertise in drafting complete contracts that contain a clear explanation of each party’s responsibilities. When reviewing contracts written by others, lawyers pay special attention to certain missing key terms and make suggestions about additional clauses. Whether the attorney is drafting or reviewing your contract, he understands that a properly written contract must contain not only the terms of the contract, but it should also protect you from unforeseen circumstances.

Easily Enforceable Contracts

Ideally, you won’t ever have to worry about any of your tenants or enforcing their contracts. But there are always problem tenants, and you want to make sure that you can actually enforce the terms of the rental contract, so you don’t lose value on your property or the business of your other tenants. However, a generic form contract may have loopholes that may not be enforceable in court. Some form contracts found online may be outdated or may not be in line with the local laws.

Better Contract Terms

Typically, attorneys draft contracts in a manner that favors their clients, so having a lawyer puts someone in your corner. This doesn’t mean that you are being unfair to your tenants. This is simply designed to help you protect your investment. A lawyer can help you make sure that everything is properly outlined so you don’t have to worry about being held liable for something you may have forgotten.

Helps Settle Disputes

Involving a lawyer in drafting or reviewing your contracts helps you avoid expensive disputes that may arise out of poorly written contracts. For instance, the attorney will ensure that the lease complies with all the local laws and that your responsibilities are clearly outlined and that limits are stated so you don’t have to worry about resolving a dispute. If it’s in the contract, it holds, even if you tenant didn’t read it.

Better Understanding of the Contract

Because contracts are legally binding documents, it’s important that you understand what you are asking your tenants to sign, because you are also bound by this legal document. Don’t paint yourself into a corner because you didn’t understand what you wrote in a contract.


Leasehold Repairs and Disputes

Dickson Frolich

A Look Back at Legal Changes

What Should I Do if I Was Attacked By a Dog?

Dog attacks can result in some very serious injuries. In most cases, an animal attack requires legal action, just to recover the costs of medical treatment for one’s injuries. Keeping that in mind, there are a number of responses one should follow in the event that he or she has been bitten by a dog.

Seek Medical Attention

This should be your primary concern, following a dog attack, even if injuries aren’t readily apparent. According to Brauns Law, approximately 20 percent of the 4.5 million dog bites per year require medical treatment. A few of these injuries required reconstructive surgery and some of them even resulted in death, so it’s important to treat your injuries immediately. You should also find out if the animal carried any diseases that they may have passed on. For instance, rabies can be transmitted when an infected dog’s saliva comes into contact with a bite victim’s blood.

Identify the Dog’s Owner

This should be done as early in the process as possible. Seeking medical treatment is the priority, so, unless you’re familiar with the pet owner, this is something you may have to find out later. As soon as you’re able, determine the name of the dog’s owner and as much contact information as you can obtain. At the very least, you should acquire the individual’s name, telephone number, and address.

Consider a Personal Injury Claim

When it comes to getting compensation for your injuries, you are probably going to have to go to court. Most people won’t admit that their dog was in the wrong, and they definitely don’t want to pay for your injuries. Once you have seen your doctor and assess the extent of your injuries, you can decide if you want to make a claim against the owner. Remember that the burden of proof will be on you, and if you antagonized the dog at all, you have no case.

Depending on your state, there are different rules for filing a personal injury claim on a dog bite. Make sure you do your research quickly, so you don’t pass the statute of limitations. You should also figure out if you are the first person that this dog has bitten. The number of attacks this dog has made will be a crucial piece of information if you do go to trial.

Wrap Up

Every dog bite should be treated seriously. Victims of dog bites should always consult with an attorney, especially where a settlement payment is offered. You want to ensure your medical expenses are covered and you have received appropriate compensation for pain and suffering. An initial consultation with a dog bite attorney can help outline your options and give you insight into your best course of action.

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