How to Know the Lawyer You Hire Is Worth the Money
Depending on your situation, a lawyer can have a major impact on the course of your life. They can defend you in a lawsuit, ensure you get fairly compensated for your work, fight for your kids in a child custody lawsuit, and more. Of course, for many reasons, lawyers can be extremely expensive, and you want to make sure you only invest your money in an attorney who will get you the results you need. As such, making the decision about what lawyer you will hire isn’t something you want to take lightly. Here are three ways to make sure you are getting your money’s worth with an attorney.
Look at Their Track Records
You should be able to check an attorney’s success rate and the types of law they practice relatively easily. Look at Google and an attorney’s own website to see what sort of cases they practice and what legal resources they are able to access. Furthermore, all court records are now online. You can usually search those records by an attorney. Try doing that and evaluating the success rate for an attorney you are considering hiring.
Use Review Sites
Review sites like Avvo draw from a variety of sources to provide information about each lawyer. There are also many other review sites that you can use to get this information. All of these websites can help you make an informed judgment about an attorney. However, be warned: No matter how good an attorney is, at some point, they have probably angered a client. Don’t let one or two bad reviews scare you off of a lawyer. However, if you see bad reviews repeatedly, and they all say similar things, you should probably think twice about using that attorney’s services.
Check Professional Ethics Records
Lawyers are prohibited from representing clients in cases where they have a conflict of interest. All states have professional review boards that examine ethics complaints against lawyers. Before hiring an attorney, make sure to type their name into these searches and confirm that no ethics complaints have been successfully made against the attorney you are considering hiring.
Hiring the right attorney is a decision that can, quite literally, change your life for decades. This decision is one you must take seriously and diligently. As such, do your homework before making any decisions about what attorney to hire. Make sure you ask friends for feedback and use the above three steps to determine if the attorney you are considering hiring is right for you.
Do you need a lawyer to create your contracts? Click here to learn more!
What Health and Safety Protections Can Employees Expect Businesses to Provide at the Workplace?
The ideal workplace for an employee is equipped with the right plans and equipment needed to keep them safe. This is a place where they can concentrate on their responsibilities without the fear of getting themselves or others hurt. However, are business leaders taking the proper precautions to provide this for their employees? The following list includes a few health and safety protections employees can expect from their places of work.
Relevant PPE
Unfortunately, not all risks in the workplace can be eliminated, especially at a manufacturing company or in the field of construction. This, however, does not excuse a business from taking all of the precautions that are necessary. The owners of your company must provide their employees with proper PPE relevant to their job responsibilities. PPE stands for personal protective equipment and clothing. This equipment must be in functional order and of the exact type recommended by local governments. When PPE is provided to employees, they must also be shown how to use it correctly; after all, having the right protective equipment is only half of the equation.
Signs and Warning Labels
No matter if you work in a factory or high-rise office building, there are going to be areas of risk at your workplace. Therefore, employers are required to post correct signs and warning labels in these areas. Most workplaces are required to uphold OSHA standards, which may include the accurate use of GHS labeling directives. This also includes that employers provide you with the necessary training to handle or identify the various warning labels around your workplace.
Job-Requirement Transparency
When you are seeking a position at a company, it is crucial to obtain a written description of your job duties. This is incredibly important because having an employee handle chemicals or equipment that they have no experience in can be dangerous to themselves and those around them. In fact, in many states, changing a person’s job description is illegal. Thus, you should always expect a clear and transparent job description from your employer.
When it comes to the workplace, it is paramount that employers take all the necessary steps to keep their staff comfortable and safe. Employees also have a responsibility to record and report any violations when it comes to their safety. Utilize the information posted above in order to create a strong, knowledgeable foundation regarding what is expected in the workplace in terms of safety.
Read more workplace legal information in this article: How to Determine Your Status as an Employee or Independent Contractor Under California Laws
What You Should Do When an Injury Forces You to Stop Working
It’s never fun to get injured, but all the resulting repercussions can negatively impact many areas of your life, including being able to work. Being forced to stop working due to an injury can be a big blow financially, in addition to the toll it takes on the other areas of your life. If you are in this situation, there are some ways you can seek help.
File a Workers’ Compensation Claim
If an injury has forced you to stop working, the first step you should take is to file a claim with your workers’ compensation insurance. This can help cover medical costs related to your injury. You should talk to your employer as soon as possible, then ask them to give you a workers’ compensation claim form. Your employer will then submit your claim to their insurance provider.
Before approving or denying your claim, the insurance company will conduct an investigation. If your claim is approved, you’ll start receiving benefits. Even if the insurance company denies your claim, you have the right to appeal. If this is the case, you should speak with a lawyer as soon as possible.
Apply for Disability
In addition to filing a workers’ compensation claim, you should apply for Social Security insurance benefits. When you apply for disability, you will be interviewed by a Social Security representative—this will take at least one hour. You can save time by starting the application process online, although you will still need to keep your appointment with the Social Security representative.
In order to be found disabled by the Social Security Administration, you must be unable to do any substantial work because of your injury or medical conditions, and your medical conditions must have lasted, or be expected to last at least one year, or be expected to result in your death. The amount you receive from the Social Security Administration will depend on your average lifetime earnings.
Talk to a Professional
A good support system is essential when you’re going through a medical crisis. Talking to a professional can help you make a plan for how to cope with your current injury. There are many different professionals you should consider talking to. Speaking with a job coach can help you make a career plan. Consulting with a lawyer will help you know your rights and navigate the process of applying for workers’ compensation and disability. Getting the help of a financial consultant will allow you to protect yourself financially as much as possible.
If you are forced to stop working due to an injury, take heart. Filing a workers’ compensation claim, applying for disability, and talking to a professional are three ideas that can help you get started on the process of healing and recovery.
For more tips, read this next: What Health And Safety Protections Can Employees Expect Businesses to Provide at the Workplace?
How to Protect Your Trucking Business from Liability
If you own a trucking business, it’s probably not news to you that working as a trucker can be a risky job. Along with the risks to workers comes a certain level of business liability. People should expect their employers to provide a reasonably safe work environment. But what about the business end? A business liability issue can cripple a company. How can you protect your trucking business from liability?
Take All Safety Precautions
One of the best things a business can do to both protect their employees and themselves is to make safety precautions the standard operating procedure. In the case of truckers, this may mean writing guidelines into company policy that lay out how the company expects truckers to behave. This might take the form of limiting the number of hours a trucker can drive in a day or without taking a break. Or you might mandate a certain amount of hours be taken for sleeping. Of course, wearing a seatbelt should be non-negotiable. These, and other safety precautions can help truckers stay safe and protect a business from being held liable for failing to ensure worker safety.
Cover Yourself with the Right Insurance
Another important move trucking companies can make to protect themselves from liability is making sure they are covered with the right insurance. Of course, figuring out what the right insurance is can be a little tricky. In order to get the insurance that’s right for you, start by identifying what risks impact you the most. Once you know what you need to be covering, you can start looking for insurance that covers those risks. Workers compensation is pretty standard, no matter what industry you work in. According to Balsiger Insurance, on-hook coverage protects you if you are pulling another vehicle. Cargo insurance can help protect you in the event of your load being lost or damaged. As with all types of insurance, it’s important to read the policy carefully and make sure you understand exactly what is and isn’t covered.
Regular Training
Providing regular training to your drivers is another important way to protect your business. Driving simulation technology allows drivers to learn and practice practical skills in a safe, controlled environment, increasing their chances of successfully using these skills in situations that might otherwise end very poorly. If your fleet transports hazardous materials, consider training focusing on how to handle them safely. You might also consider lifestyle training that teaches truckers how to stay healthy. Depending on the training, you may be able to do it virtually or through online courses, which can make it more accessible to those on the road.
Protecting your business from liability issues is important. And fortunately, it’s not terribly difficult. Things as simple as providing regular training, making sure you’re covered by the right insurance, and emphasizing the importance of taking safety precautions are all great places to start.
Read this next for more great advice: What You Should Do When an Injury Forces You to Stop Working