Some law requirements to hot mop your shower

As a land lord you must be very cautious before you lease a home to tenants. The laws are in place to protect the renters not the owners, therefore make sure that you do everything within your power to protect yourself and your property. An often overlooked service which is hot mop shower pans, this ensures that you bath/shower will be waterproofed, which will eliminate leak, which will reduce mold. These are big issues that you can avoid if you take the proper time and find a specialist to get it done right and will reduce your long term liability.

• The beneficiary must meet the building code needs of his or her home
• All lining material should be pitched at a quarter of every foot to weep the holes in the drains with the aid of a smooth solidly-formed sloping sub-base
• The membrane of the hot mop should extend upwards to the side of the walls and the rough jambs of the said shower. This membrane should not be extended to a point no fewer than 3” atop the completed dam or threshold.
• All weep holes should be free-flowing and clear of clogs and any obstructions
• An appropriate water test

We typically spend hundreds and thousands of dollars in protecting the outside of our homes from the perils of water entry. We understand that water, unchecked in the home, can cause damages. Since the shower area and shower pan water system is not what you will typically look out for, the lack of a hot mop system means that damages and leakages in your home can linger undetected for months to come. This water can run into the walls and cause mold to form and affect drywalls by compromising their strength and integrity.

A hot mop shower pan helps to avoid all the potential damages that can arise from a failed water system. A hot mop solution ensures an efficient water-in, water-out system that serves as the best defenses against intrusion that can damage your home.

How To Determine Your Status As An Employee Or Independent Contractor Under California Laws?

The present ruling by the Supreme Court of California has changed the laws in which the employees were put under the label of independent contractors. As there is no set definition devised for ‘independent contractor,’ it purely depends on a particular area of law. Like, if there is an issue with the wage claim and employment status becomes questionable, then Division of Labor Standards Enforcement or DLSE will use the ‘five-prong economic realities test’ to give a decision. If you are not aware of some of the proceedings, it is advisable to contact a Certified Public Accountant in Burbank, California.

Significant Proceedings under the Californian Law

Until 2016, there were nearly 8.4% of the independent contractors, which means nearly 12.5 million people were recognized as the independent contractors by the businesses. The recent changes carried out by the court have made it difficult for employers to classify the workforce. For this, the employers and employees both can take assistance from the experienced CPA to understand the changes. Let us see some of the important proceedings:

  • Analyze and research the working relationship before its establishment. If there is a problem in the pre-assumption of the status, then the worker is recognized as an employee by DLSE under the Labor Code Section 3357.
  • To be recognized as an independent contractor, the employer has to show that the worker is not under the control of a core business. The person independently engages in the trade or business.
  • A few cases were put up in the court where the employers have an agreement signed from the employees that they are independent contractors. This means they were not given minimum wages, meal periods, rest time, or any kind of overtime. In this scenario, where a written agreement has been made to sign does not make a particular worker an independent contractor. The Labor Commissioner and the Court determine it only after analyzing the facts.
  • The employers who are not able to understand present changes in the Californian Laws regarding employees v/s independent contractor status can take the advice from Tax Accountant in Burbank, CA. It is important to understand the facts based on which you are establishing a relationship with a particular worker. The reason being, in case of any dispute, the DLSE will presume the worker to be an employee only.

To sum up, as there is no concrete definition provided for independent contractors, the employees and employers must seek the nature of a job before establishing any relation.

Does the Kind of Car You Were Driving Matter in Your Personal Injury Case?

Auto accidents happen on a regular basis in Texas, and a lot of factors go into how insurance companies determine liability and settle the insurance claims. While there are a lot of obvious factors like points of collision, what actions led up to the accident, and any road violations, a little-known factor that can play a role is what kind of cars are involved. The type of car you are driving can have an impact on the amount of settlement you’re offered, as well as even factor into the liability in some rare cases.


Safety standards have come a long way in recent years. While newer cars have bonus safety features like automatic parking and steering for aiding in avoiding collisions as well as multiple cameras and sensors to help increase awareness, older vehicles may just have the basic safety equipment. There are certain safety requirements that are constantly being updated, a minimum standard that must be met by newer vehicles being manufactured.

Regular inspections are also required to ensure vehicles remain in safe drivable conditions. In the case of many vintage vehicles, they may no longer measure up to these newer standards. While it’s not illegal to drive these older vehicles, your insurance may consider an assumption of risk on your part for driving a vehicle not necessarily up to code. This assumption of risk can be used as an argument that in knowing the risks, you may not be entitled to as much of a settlement for injuries sustained in a collision.


Not all vehicles are made equal. While driving a premium vehicle may not affect much in the way of your medical expenses and injury coverage, the kind of vehicle you drive can certainly have an impact on how much you’ll be covered in terms of vehicle damages. Premium car interiors are similar to luxury cars and can be equated to a similar cost. This means that repairs might be more expensive, but you’ll also be getting more from your insurance company, or the other party’s insurance, to cover them.

A higher car value also means that it will be less likely that your car is a total loss. Generally, a car is deemed to be a total loss if damages exceed a certain percentage of the car’s value. A more valuable car has a higher threshold before being deemed a total loss.


The last thing that generally factors into your case comes down to negligence. Depending on what actions were taken by both drivers leading up to the accident, a certain degree of negligence or liability can be placed on each driver, determining what portion of their claim an insurance company would be willing to pay.

If you were the primary cause of the accident, by let’s say driving through a red light, chances are the other party’s insurance wouldn’t offer you much for your damages, and going through your own insurance if you have the proper coverage would be ideal. Texas specifically follows Modified Comparative Fault laws, which state that a driver cannot pursue the other party for damages if they are 51% at fault or higher.

There are many things that tie into how much money you can recover from a personal injury case, especially when it comes to auto accidents. If you have been injured in an accident, it is best to reach out to a personal injury attorney to help defend your case and make sure you get the proper compensation for your damages.

Texting and driving can have serious legal implications! Click here to learn more.

3 Tips for Making Splitting Assets Easier

Divorces can, without a doubt, be a living nightmare. They can cause an almost infinite amount of stress and problems. However, hopefully, you and your soon-to-be-former spouse can try to handle a divorce in the most mature manner possible. There are ways to do that, and one such example is doing whatever you can to split assets in the easiest way possible. Here are three tips on how to do that.

Make a List

In order to accurately split your assets, you need to have a list of what your assets actually are. To that end, make a list of everything you own together. This means all possessions of any real value, as well as any shared financial assets, like bank accounts, retirement accounts, college accounts and more. This list will serve as an excellent starting point between you and your divorcing spouse, as it will allow you to get a good look at what assets you actually possess.

Let It Go If It Doesn’t Fit Your Needs

Divorce is a huge lifestyle change, one that will impact more areas of your life than you may initially realize. As such, remember, your needs will change, and the types of possessions you need to maintain may change with them. For example, let’s say you are splitting cars. A full-size sedan is longer than a compact car, overall giving more space. If you no longer need that much car size as a result of your divorce, it should be an easy thing to give up in negotiations.

Keep Your Perspective Other-Centered

Of course, when it comes to a divorce, you need to watch out for your own interests and make sure that your financial future is protected. However, as best you can, keep in mind that your perspective needs to be focused on others: Namely, any kids impacted by the divorce.

Whatever your decisions are when it comes to providing for your financial future, make sure to keep in mind that it is the interests of your children which should guide any conversation. However, that cuts both ways, and that’s the perspective you need to impress on your ex-spouse.

Don’t expect divorce to be easy. It almost never is. However, there are ways that you can make it easier, and that’s an important distinction. With proper planning, appropriate guidance and a real desire to make life easier on both parties, you can get a divorce and split your assets with minimal pain and heartache.

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