Issues That Can Create Personnel Problems at Your Business

You may run your business like a well-oiled machine but, in the end, it is still manned by mere mortals. And as you know, dealing with human beings can be messy. Since the ups and downs of life are inevitable, it is a good idea to prepare for the downs. Here are some issues to be ready for as they can create serious personnel issues at your business. 


Wouldn’t it be nice if you could encase your employees in a thick sheet of bubble wrap to ensure that they never get injured? Personal injuries are one of the top impediments to a person’s ability to work. Things are further complicated if your worker is injured on the job. Not only do you feel the loss of a valuable employee for a time, but you are also required to provide workers’ compensation benefits

Furthermore, you may need to find a way to accommodate the injured employee with modified work. You can minimize work injuries by taking workplace safety seriously. Learn the OHSA requirements for your industry and work toward full compliance. This will help protect you from on-the-job injuries as well as non-compliance fees.


Illness can also rear its ugly head without a moment’s notice, keeping your workers out of the workforce and slowing things down for your business. If the illness was caused or made worse by workplace conditions, you could once again be up for providing workers’ compensation benefits. The best way to avoid this is to maintain a healthy work environment. 

Ensure that hazardous materials are handled appropriately and that each employee is provided with the proper personal protective equipment. Unfortunately, we still aren’t out of the woods when it comes to Covid-19. Millions still suffer symptoms of long COVID. This could keep some of your employees out of commission for quite some time.


The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) protects workers from discrimination of any kind in the workplace. No employee may be discriminated against or harassed based on their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age. It is vital to strictly adhere to and enforce compliance with these laws at your business. Failure to do so could result in serious consequences for you as the business owner. Set a strict culture of inclusion at your workplace and lead out by example.

When you put a team of fallible human beings together in the workplace, issues are bound to arise. Of course, you can do your best to prevent major problems from occurring by being aware of the risks and mitigating them accordingly. When issues do arise, a little wisdom and compassion can go a long way!

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