Most Common Auto Accident Injuries

Nearly three million people in the United States are injured in auto accidents every year. It’s important to take care of these injuries as quickly as possible so that they can be treated in case they’re serious. These are a few of the most common auto accident injuries that can occur.

Contusions and Bruises

Cars are heavy objects that move at very high speeds. This means that the force that knocks into you during an auto accident is enough to seriously injure you. If you’re adequately protected, you could still end up with some bruising. If the airbag goes off, it has been shown to cause some bruising to the face. Bruises are a relatively minor injury that you usually don’t need medical attention for. However, after getting into an automobile accident, be sure to see a doctor even if you don’t believe there’s much wrong with you. The adrenaline of the moment could be inhibiting your pain sensors. You could also have an injury that isn’t immediately visible, but could be causing you internal harm.


When it comes to car accident injuries, whiplash is one of the most common injuries suffered by victims. Whiplash is most commonly caused by car accidents, specifically when a car is rear ended. With the intense back-and-forth motion of the crash, your neck could sprain from the impact. On its own, whiplash usually corrects itself after time. However, whiplash can become more serious, especially if you’ve had it before. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, so you should be sure to see a doctor anyway, just to be sure it’s not anything more serious.


Sometimes, during an automobile collision, the car may catch fire or spray hot liquids. These can cause your skin to burn. The severity of these injuries vary based on how hot the substances are, and how much they come in contact with the individual. In some cases, the burns can be very severe. In such cases, it is again essential to see a doctor as soon as possible. Sometimes, these burns require skin grafting or other emergency medical procedures.

Automobile accidents can be incredibly deadly and cause many different types of injuries. These injuries may be serious or not so serious, but either way it’s important to get professional medical help to ensure you stay healthy. These are a few of the common injuries you may experience from an automobile accident.

Check out this article on the 3 things you need to do ASAP if you’re in a car accident!