What Are Some of the Different Areas of Law and What Do They Cover?

While they sometimes get a bad rep, lawyers are needed by society! There are so many different types of law that affect society. These affect every aspect of your life daily, and especially things which happen in emergencies or times of troubles. What are some of the types of law, and how do they help function in society?

Business Law

Business law affects exactly that: your business, or potential business and all of its dealings. This can include all of the paperwork involved in setting up business and putting together a Limited Liability Corporation, or making sure that you’re protected when somebody slips and falls outside your store. You want your company to be well-protected in case of an accident, complications with employees, or issues with clients.

Personal Injury Law

Personal injury law covers a wide variety of fields that all deal with being injured because of other people’s actions or inaction. This can include accidents which have occurred on a property due to negligence of a store owner or even injuries from car accidents. If an employee falls from a ladder while at work, personal injury law can also protect that employee when they need medical care.

Disability Law

This will become more and more crucial in post-pandemic times, as lasting concerns of the pandemic take hold in a generation or two of Americans. This type of law includes not only the important portions of filing and refiling for disability care itself, but also helping and protecting those in schools, companies, and other work where they need extra assistance due to their disability. As it’s only been about forty years since the ADA began working to ensure employment and protections in the law, this is a fairly new form of legal code, and in process for good pioneers who are ready to help make life better for disabled individuals and protect their rights.


If you’re determining what kind of law to go forward in your studies to use, it can be helpful to talk to experts in your hoped-for field of study. Legal studies are not a bed of roses, but there is a great place for you! Decide carefully what sort of work you intend to focus upon, and you can forge your way into a fascinating field of legal study, determined by your careful and thoughtful research.


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