How to Navigate Legal Issues With Elderly Parents

Navigating legal issues with elderly parents often isn’t easy for the parents or the child. It can be difficult for parents to accept that they aren’t as able as they used to be and that they are likely to continue to decline, albeit hopefully at a slow rate. It brings into stark reality that the child will lose their parents sooner rather than later. As difficult as it may be, there are some legal issues that it is really important to get on the same page about.

Managing Finances

Financial management can be a touchy subject. For many people, personal finances are a very private matter. Letting someone else get involved can be difficult, even if it’s their own children. This can be an important step to preventing elderly financial abuse though, so it’s important to discuss how finances will be managed. Discuss sources of income, necessary expenditures, the overall state of finances, and the need to establish a financial power of attorney. Be patient, kind, and understanding. Help your parents understand that this is for their benefit and that it doesn’t mean they are losing their independence . They’re just getting a little extra help.

Planning Long-Term Care Solutions

For many caregivers, there comes a time when the burden of care becomes too much for them to handle personally. This can happen due to a wide variety of circumstances, including the progression of diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Caring for an elderly parent who suffers from Alzheimer’s is incredibly taxing. There’s a lot to keep up with, including treatment options. Traditional Alzheimer’s treatments rely on limited pharmaceutical care solutions. Holistic approaches aren’t any more able to provide a cure, though they can help improve quality of life. Before the disease progresses, take some time to discuss long-term care solutions, such as having in-home nursing assistance or the transfer of care to a long-term care facility.

Planning End-of-Life Care

Discussing end-of-life care is another difficult legal subject, but no less important for it. Your parents may prefer to receive hospice care over care with the purpose of curing ailments. There are different levels of hospice care that you should discuss together. Discuss whether or not your parents want to have a DNR order. It can be difficult for children to hear that their parents prefer to be allowed to pass on instead of having potentially life-saving care administered. Try to see things from their point of view. They may not want to be left suffering after CPR is administered and may find it easier to just be kept comfortable as long as possible.

It’s important to navigate certain legal issues sooner rather than later. Having a plan for these things can help make life easier for everyone. Do your best to have these plans in place before they are needed to help make this time of life as simple as possible for all involved.

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