5 Things to Expect During the Divorce Proceedings

A divorce can be a particularly stressful situation, regardless of whether it is agreed upon or not. It is an emotional rollercoaster full of ups, downs, twists, and loops. You can plan for a general course of action, but you must always prepare for potential hiccups. It is not a quick or easy process. Here are five things to expect that apply to almost every type of divorce.

An Attorney

Many people make the mistake of trying to handle a divorce on their own. Television is partly to blame. Reality, sitcom, and court shows often falsely portray divorces as simplistic. The truth is that different aspects and steps must be explicitly followed. These elements include a legal proceeding that will take place in a courtroom with a judge. Abraham Lincoln once said, “He who represents himself has a fool for a client.”

While divorces can be costly, opting to represent yourself is not a good idea. Hiring an experienced divorce attorney ensures all guides are being followed and all family laws are adhered and followed. The divorce attorney can help you understand everything, from start to finish.

Know Your Facts

Many people expect their attorney to remember every detail and find or obtain every document and piece of evidence. Always be prepared. Keep your notes and copies of materials. Familiarize yourself with every aspect of your case, including any claims made by your spouse. Ask questions when you are confused or uncertain. Be active in your case because your attorney may not always be able to speak for you.

Surround Yourself with Positivity

Many divorcees do not think about the emotional toll that is typically experienced. Even the most amicable, cut-and-dry divorce can cause a feeling of failure combined with other emotions such as uncertainty, anger, and depression. The most beneficial thing you can do is surround yourself with people who will be supportive and positive.

Expect Everything

There is an old saying that states “Hope for the best but expect the worst.” You need to make sure that you prepare for anything that might get thrown at you during your divorce case. It is not uncommon for the ugly side of people to come to the surface, even if you have never seen it before. Expect a lot of back and forth in dividing assets and deciding child custody or visitation. You should also prepare for anything a judge chooses to do with your case, including decisions you might not like.

Multiple Meetings

You will be attending numerous meetings throughout the life of your divorce proceedings. An initial hearing may be scheduled to order mediation. You can expect various meetings with a mediator, mainly if there is difficulty agreeing on the division of assets and child visitation. Your lawyer may also request multiple sessions with you before you have a final hearing in court.

The divorce process involves more than just hiring an attorney and being granted your divorce by the judge. There are multiple steps in between. If you have an amicable agreement and you and your spouse have already decided on the essential things, the process is quicker. Contested divorces and missing spouses can drag out the process substantially. Although the divorce attorney can help guide you through, you must be informed and engaged in your case.