5 Most Litigated Things in America

In many parts of the world, people have no legal recourse when they have been wronged. In the U.S., Americans value their constitutional rights and believe in receiving fair treatment under the law. The five most common reasons for lawsuits are shown below.


Car Accidents

Car accidents are a leading cause of lawsuits. Many accidents are minor and easily settled, but when someone’s negligence results in injuries to another, a just outcome for the victim may not be possible without a lawsuit. Statistics reveal:

  • 6 million traffic accidents annually
  • 90 car accident deaths daily
  • 10 deaths daily caused by distracted driving – common distractions include using the phone, smoking, eating, drinking and talking to passengers
  • 2 million drivers left with permanent injuries after an auto accident
  • Alcohol involvement in 40% of car crash fatalities


Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ Comp was established so injured workers could obtain medical treatment and other compensation without needing to file a lawsuit against the employer. Most employers buy Workers’ Comp insurance. When a worker is injured, the worker deals with the insurance company and/or the state’s Workers’ Comp authorities. Injured workers can be faced with many problems including:

  • Inadequate medical care
  • Lack of choice of doctor
  • Bills piling up
  • Being forced to return to work too soon
  • Limits on benefits


Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents can be deadly, especially to the elderly. They are also the leading reason for Workers’ Comp claims. Common causes include wet or too-slippery floors, torn carpeting, items left in walkways and inadequate lighting.


Product Liability

Americans have the right to file a product liability lawsuit after being injured by a defective product. Class action lawsuits represent many consumers similarly injured. The 1998 Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement and the many auto recalls represent only a fraction of historic product liability cases that have benefited many people.


Drug Recalls

A prescription drug can be recalled voluntarily by the manufacturer or following an FDA order. Patients injured by the defective or contaminated drug can file a lawsuit individually or as part of a class action. The recall of the pain reliever Vioxx was one of the largest drug recalls.


Filing a lawsuit is not usually someone’s first choice after being injured, but may be the only viable option. The law gives Americans the right to seek fair compensation for their injuries. The person or business responsible for the injury should be held accountable for their actions.