5 Tips to Reduce Property Liability at Your Business

A person can’t win a property liability lawsuit against your business unless he or she can prove that you neglected your legal duty to that person. Your legal duties include making a reasonable effort to maintain a safe environment for people, as well as warning about unsafe conditions. To reduce property liability risks, your business must comply with safety laws and demonstrate a responsibility for the welfare of others.


1. Take adequate safety measures


Many business owners are busy with running their companies and overlook other aspects, like safety, that aren’t generating money. In fact, neglecting safety measures can cost your business money. Develop and implement a safety plan that adequately protects your business from an incident or accident that can cause property damage or bodily injury. According to a personal injury lawyer in Colorado, a simple and effective safety plan can significantly reduce your risk, saving you money on compliance and litigation in the long run.


2. Seek professional advice


An insurance broker can explain liability policies and other coverage details. Professionals who deal with businesses and claims regularly have good insight as to what policies would be best for you. Seek legal advice regarding personal injury to make sure you’re complying with all the laws and regulations that pertain to your business.


3. Carry adequate insurance coverage


Do a premium cost comparison of what’s included and excluded to ensure you’re purchasing the right coverage. You don’t want to have an incident or accident and then make a claim to find out you’re actually not insured for the event. You could cost your business money by paying for cheaper insurance that’s not covering claim costs made against you.


4. Learn from the mistakes of others


A good approach in reviewing possible risks is to learn from other businesses and what they may (or may not) have done that resulted in a liability claim. Speak with others who are in the same industry at professional business meetings. Ask about the risk management plans they’ve implemented, or wished they had in place before a claim was filed.


5. Think ahead and don’t be complacent


An accident or incident can happen to you, so complacency could be your enemy. Once an event happens, it’s too late for risk management. Review your safety procedures regularly and look for ways to improve them each time.


Reduce your property liability by equipping yourself with proper knowledge, sound advice and adequate insurance coverage. Keep an open mind for new ideas. Review your safety measures on a regular basis to keep your business profitable.



Bachus & Schanker Law
