How Do I Know If I Qualify for the Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund (SIBTF)?

09/09/2024 |  Laura Bennett

The Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund (SIBTF) is a valuable resource for California workers who have both a pre-existing disability and a subsequent workplace injury. Qualifying for SIBTF benefits can provide additional compensation on top of regular workers’ compensation. However, meeting the eligibility criteria can be complex. Here’s a guide to help you understand if

What is SIBTF

09/05/2024 |  Laura Bennett

The “Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund” (SIBTF) is a special fund established under California law to provide additional compensation to workers who already have a pre-existing disability or impairment and suffer a subsequent workplace injury. This fund aims to support workers whose combined disabilities—pre-existing and workplace-related—result in a greater degree of impairment than the subsequent

Do I Qualify for Social Security Disability?

10/09/2023 |  Laura Bennett

Sustaining a life-altering injury is damaging in many ways; besides from taking away your former mobility and freedom, a disability comes with additional expenses and possibly results in an inability to work, which means you will face the added stress of no longer having an income. Thankfully, all hope isn’t lost. The United States Social